Introductory Message

The Valor Warrior Organization was founded to teach, develop, and train up young men with a critical skillset to be future leaders who value faith, freedom, integrity, and country. Valor Warriors internalize God-given freedoms such as the right to life, freedom of religion, speech, and the right to bear arms. These rights are taught, incorporated, and applied into a rigorous achievement plan called The DecaStar Program.  

Energetic Squad Sergeants lead Valor Warriors in local groups called “squads”. Although a military vernacular is sometimes used, this of course is not the military.  The Squad Sergeants are coaches who guide, mentor, instruct, and demonstrate freedom principles along with their associated applications or practices. These training sessions are well planned and scheduled out for young men to achieve each of the 10 Diamonds that make up the DecaStar.  

With this proven structure and discipline, Valor Warriors become very well-rounded and adroit. They learn methods of self-defense and weapons proficiency (to bear arms) along with vital outdoor survival and hunting skills. They develop effective communications skills (emphasizing freedom of speech). They acquire physical and mental resilience and strong moral character. They enjoy a unifying bond of camaraderie in their squads and share unforgettable experiences of adventure and accomplishment.

Parenting today’s youth can feel discouraging where many kids would rather waste hours browsing on their phones or gaming than be productive, active, and learning elite life skills. If this course of bad habits is not fixed, our young men will not have the adequate abilities to overcome the conflicts and challenges of life they’ll surely face. Many young men are lacking self-confidence. They have not developed the intellectual, physical, mental, and spiritual resilience to succeed. The Valor Warrior Organization is committed to training and building up the confidence of each Valor Warrior. It is not meant to replace parenting, but rather augment, support, and engage parents in preparing their youth for what lies ahead.

Most importantly, each young man becomes a highly trained and a principled leader ready to take on life- the kind of young man that every parent hopes their son to be.  hose chosen to be a part of this organization come with an attitude of optimism and a desire to improve themselves in mind, body, character, and skills. They believe in pursuing fun, challenging experiences and in building strong, lasting friendships. 

Valor Warriors have winning mindsets and unconquerable spirits. They are loyal to their families, community, country, and to God. Valor Warriors cherish our inherent freedoms and understand why they should be preserved and protected. They are the fearless freedom leaders of the future.


Jimmy Eaton, Founder & Director

The Valor Warrior Organization