Mission: The Valor Warrior Organization’s DecaStar Program was created to instruct young men freedom principles and help them develop a critical skillset for life. They enjoy a brotherhood united in this purpose.
The DecaStar Program
For each Valor Warrior to attain the DecaStar Award, they must fulfill the requirements in a variety of skill areas organized within the 10 Diamonds that make up the DecaStar.
Each Diamond teaches a critical principle and skills associated with its field of study. Once understood in concept, it's application with different methods and approaches must be practiced and experienced for the Valor Warrior to fully internalize the subject material.
There are a total of 100 requirements to achieve the DecaStar Award.
Diamond 1: Valor Warrior Codes
The Valor Warrior Organization is founded on principles of faith and freedom. It is a unique brotherhood where each warrior is fiercely loyal to these things and to each other. There are formal commitments he vows to keep.
Diamond 2: Family, Community, Country
A Valor Warrior understands the importance of upholding family values, being a good citizen, and defending their country. The know the importance of these social frameworks, and they support the freedoms we cherish.
Diamond 3: Physical Prowess
Each of us has the right to life and gave been given a body as a miraculous gift from God and parents. We should seek to gain the highest quality of health, strength, and fitness so that we can live life to the fullest of our ability.
Diamond 4: Self-Defense
Each of us has the right to defend ourselves. Evil forces and abusers will push to get their way, take advantage of the weak, and infringe on your rights if you do nothing to stop them. A Valor Warrior must learn how to defend himself and others.
Diamond 5: Arms Mastery
The right to bear arms is imperative to understand and be proficient with. Guns can have a negative reputation when their use is reckless. A Valor Warrior must learn how to effectively and safely operate and use a variety of weaponry.
Diamond 6: Communications
The freedom of speech and religion are highly valued rights. The right to think, speak, believe, and communicate how you feel are supremely important for all human beings. To communicate well is a critical skill to develop for every Valor Warrior.
Diamond 7: Arts & Crafts
The right to choose your own pursuits, interests, and endeavors is precious as each person can contribute to society in unique ways. Creative arts and innovation are suppressed when this right is not fostered. The arts reveal the beauty of civilization and are an important form of expression.
Diamond 8: Safety & First-Aid
Closely related to the right to life is the responsibility to preserve life. Accidents, injuries, and unforeseen incidents can happen to anyone. A Valor Warrior must know proper safety precautions and how to administer first aid to others.
Diamond 9: Outdoor Survival
The earth was created by God and meant for the proper use and enjoyment of man. But wildlife, the elements, and hazards in nature can present many dangers, and cause you to be outdoors for extended periods. For this and recreation, outdoor survival skills are critical for a Valor Warrior to learn.
Diamond 10: Hunting & Fishing
Hunting and fishing are two important survival skills to learn which support many inherent freedoms. They are also very enjoyable outdoor activities. Proper hunting and fishing tactics, strategy, and practices are important for each Valor Warrior to master.